Avoid These 3 Mistakes for a Solid Night’s Sleep

In our quest for a refreshing night's sleep, we often overlook simple habits that can significantly impact our sleep quality. Achieving a restful night isn't just about what we do right; it's also about avoiding certain pitfalls that can keep us tossing and turning. Here are three key mistakes to avoid if you're aiming for that elusive solid night's sleep, along with a natural aid that might just be the missing piece in your nighttime routine.

1. No Coffee After 4 PM

Caffeine is a stimulant that can keep your mind racing long after your body craves rest. Consuming caffeine late in the day can hinder your ability to relax and fall asleep. The National Sleep Foundation suggests avoiding coffee and other caffeinated beverages after 4 PM to ensure that your body is ready to wind down when bedtime approaches.

2. Power Down Your Screens

In our digital age, screens are a constant presence in our lives, but their blue light can be particularly disruptive before bedtime. This light can trick your brain into thinking it’s still daylight, reducing the production of melatonin, the hormone that signals your body it's time to sleep. Johns Hopkins Medicine advises limiting screen use an hour before bed and considering blue light filters on your devices.

3. Keep a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Our bodies thrive on routine, including when it comes to sleep. An irregular sleep schedule can confuse your body’s internal clock, making it difficult to fall asleep and wake up. Harvard Health Publishing highlights the importance of going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, reinforcing your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle for better sleep quality.

Boost Your Sleep Quality with SleepsCBN Gummies

While avoiding these common sleep mistakes, consider incorporating SleepsCBN CBN Sleep Gummies into your nighttime routine for an extra sleep support. Our gummies are crafted from natural hemp-derived cannabinoids, known for their potential to enhance sleep quality. Unlike CBD, CBN is specifically praised for its sleep-inducing properties, making our gummies a perfect complement to your efforts for achieving a successful night's sleep.

SleepsCBN gummies are designed to work with your body's natural rhythms to support a restful night without the grogginess often associated with other sleep aids. Whether you're struggling to wind down after a caffeine-laden day, spending too much time on your phone before bed, or trying to correct an irregular sleep schedule, SleepsCBN gummies can be a valuable part of your sleep hygiene arsenal.

To learn more about how SleepsCBN can transform your sleep routine, visit our website. Together, with the right habits and a little help from SleepsCBN, your nights of counting sheep can be a thing of the past.

Adopting these strategies can greatly improve your sleep quality. By understanding what to avoid and incorporating natural aids like SleepsCBN gummies, you're on your way to enjoying restful sleep every night. 


National Sleep Foundation. “Caffeine and Sleep.” National Sleep Foundation,

Johns Hopkins Medicine. “Blue Light and Sleep: What's the Connection?” Johns Hopkins Medicine,

Harvard Health Publishing. “Irregular Sleep Patterns and Health.” Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School,
